♦ How can I help?
Donate, volunteer, suggestions, ideas, spread the word
♦ What if it doesn’t proceed?
All donations except cash refunded in full. Cash used to cover expenses incurred.
♦ What happens if it fails in years to come?
Any surplus will be returned to donors on a pro-rata basis
♦ How can I trust the Board?
Board acts in full compliance with company laws, governance and regulation. Company’s Articles (rules) are summarised on the website
♦ What do I get in return for my donation?
Donations up to £100 will be used against the refurbishment/stock etc., no shares
Donations of £100 to £10,000 – once the venture proceeds you will receive one share of £100 and a letter containing options as to how you want the balance split between a loan and a donation
Donations over £10,000 – as above plus options to buy B shares (non-voting) and attend Board meetings in a non-executive capacity or become a Benefactor
♦ Can I buy more shares?
Simply no, it’s one share per person per donation. Its a community project.
♦ What else to I get as a shareholder?
All shareholders will in due course receive a loyalty card for use in the shop
Receive annual accounts and right to attend and vote at general meetings
A Share certificate
You can contact us for further information or questions here:
Email: info@friendsoffelpham.org
Tel: 07340874321 (messages only)
Cheques (made payable to ‘Friends of Felpham CIC’) can be handed in to Rolly’s Accountants at 79 Felpham Rd., Felpham PO22 7PF.
You can also now pay using online banking to our account at The Co-operative Bank plc
Account name: Friends of Felpham CIC
Account number: 67330700
Sort code: 08-92-99