Go Fund Me Is Now Closed

As of 31st July 2024 we have raised so far:

Target: £200,000

Total Raised – £159278.38
Bank account – £55,991.05
Pledge/Promissory note – £100,000 (5)
Gifts in Kind – £3,287.33

The following 5 companies have kindly donated so far (included in the above figures): The Windruff Charitable Trust, The Fox Inn, Touch, Cable Terminology Ltd & Loft Centre Products Ltd.

You can now deposit directly into the bank account:

Account name: Friends of Felpham CIC
Account number: 67330700
Sort code: 08-92-99

We are now in the process of closing the GoFundMe page, so if you wish to donate or increase your donation please either pay into the bank account (details above) or leave a cheque at The Post Office, made payable to Friends of Felpham CIC