Chris Watson – A Journey South | 27th July @ Felpham Memorial Village Hall

We are delighted to confirm that Chris Watson is now presenting “A Journey South” on Saturday 27th July at 7PM (rearranged from 11th June @ St Mary’s Centre)

PLEASE NOTE*** NEW VENUE: The event will now take place at:

THE FELPHAM MEMORIAL VILLAGE HALL, 17-19 Vicarage Lane, Felpham PO22 7DZ

Location & directions

Chris Watson – A Journey South | 11th June 2024 @ St Mary’s Centre ***POSTPONED***

We regret to inform you that A Journey South by Chris Watson, the scheduled event for 7PM Tuesday 11th June 2024 at St Mary’s Centre in Felpham, has to be postponed due to serious injury. Chris presents his sincere apologies. He feels dreadful about letting you all down but is fully committed to honouring his commitment to Felpham and proposes a new date for late August. He will contact me as soon as he has a specific date, and I’ll let you know.

Of course all tickets are valid for the forthcoming date in late August. If you are away at that time or wish a refund, do let us know at by email here., or at the post office itself and we will arrange repayment. Bring your tickets wit you.

Best wishes and many apologies from all of us involved.

Friends of Felpham Campaign

Chris Watson – A Journey South
St Mary’s Centre, Felpham, West Sussex PO22 7NU

On Tuesday June 11th 2024 at 7PM, Chris Watson, the world’s leading wildlife sound recordist, comes to Felpham to present “A Journey South”, the story of his trip to Antarctica with Sir David Attenborough for the BBC TV series “A Frozen Planet” (2016).

Tickets are now available locally at the Post Office or by email here. All proceeds from ticket sales, which cost £12 (£5 for under 18s), go towards the ‘Save Our Felpham Village Post Office Campaign’, which is up for sale and under threat of closure. The community has got together to save this essential and much-loved local post office.

(If you can’t make it, you can still show your support by buying a ticket for a friend or we can donate the ticket to local schools.)

Photos on Ross Island, Antarctica by Jason Roberts

An Evening with… BILL NIGHY | Tuesday 14th May

What a sensational evening! A packed host rocked with laughter as Bill Nighy, interviewed by Lizzie Mickery, gave us an hilarious, warm and intimate insight into his life and career.

We were doubly fortunate to have 2 opening acts from The Felpham Community College; Eloise Lyons (keyboard) accompanied by Libby Wood (vocal) who were commended by The Governors at the college’s fantastic talent show in March, followed by Karina Natkinis, the winner of the competition.

Prior to his arrival at St. Mary’s Centre, Bill Nighy was shown around the village, had fish & chips at The Fox, stood on the sea shore and soaked up the atmosphere of the village. He also visited Blake’s Cottage.

Telling stories about his background, life and career, he let us into the secrets of the indignity of playing a squid pirate with a. very wet Scottish accent, a vampire, which he absolutely loved, or a dying man in ‘Living’.

The mood of the audience as they left was one of elation and delight that he had taken time to support this essential campaign.

Look out for our next exciting, not to be missed show – details below!

Press coverage of the event:
The Argus
BBC Radio Sussex

Photo by Ruth Rollison

Photo by Lizzie Mickery


Full update coming soon! [29th July 2024]

Fantastic news! We’ve just passed the £160,000 mark towards buying the post office building and business in Felpham. We are really grateful to everyone who has contributed.

We are through the first round for the Community Levelling Up Fund. Now we are going into the tough, final round and we need your help.

In order to qualify for full funding, we have to reach the target of £200,000 by raising an extra £40,000 by the end of the month..

If you have already donated but know someone who might contribute, please would you let them know. All donations are fully refundable if we don’t succeed in reaching the target. All contributions will be most gratefully received.

Donations can be made via our GoFundMe or direct into our bank account – details here

Felpham’s Got Talent Raised £1000 for Our Campaign

Today Lizzie Mickery (front centre) was privileged to go and receive on behalf of Friends of Felpham CIC a cheque for £1000 from the proceeds from The Felpham Community College Talent Show.

Lizzie was previously one of the judges at the sold-out sensational show, held on 26th March 2024. The winner, Karina Natkinis, will be performing the winning piece before Bill Nighy’s appearance on May 14th at St Mary’s Centre (see below).

Please Sign the Petition

SAVE FELPHAM VILLAGE POST OFFICE has reached the next round of the govt. grant application! Total funds raised so far over £150,000. WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT to prove how vital this asset is to our community.

We the undersigned agree we must save the village Post Office.

An Evening with… BILL NIGHY | Tuesday 14th May 2024 *SOLD OUT*

7PM Tuesday 14th May 2024 at St Mary’s Centre, Felpham PO22 7NU

A talk with actor Bill Nighy hosted by Lizzie Mickery, followed by a Q&A*

Tickets are available now from The Post Office, Felpham (closes at 1PM daily). If you are unable to get to the Post Office, a limited number of tickets are available online. To order tickets and receive info on how to pay, email us here .

Tier 1: £40 – SOLD OUT
Tier 2: £25 – SOLD OUT

Please no filming, photography or recording at the event at the request of the artist and management. All proceeds go to Save our Post Office campaign.

*To ask Bill a question personally on the night, submit it by email here. We will select the questions beforehand and invite you to ask them on the night.

You can read about how Bill Nighy is supporting our campaign on BBC Sussex here

Has Felpham Got Talent? Live @ The Felpham Community College | 26th March 2024

“The Talent Show at the Community College was sold out – it was a FANTASTIC NIGHT. The talent was amazing, inspiring and at times moving. 20 acts after a whittling down process in auditions. It was run so smoothly and compered by students in a way that would put professional shows to shame. The hall is great. And luckily, despite a very high standard of talent, we, the judges, had no problem selecting our top three. It is a tribute to the staff that they provide such a creative and encouraging environment. I was in awe.” (Lizzie Mickery) Continue reading

Impact of Post Office Closures on Local Communities | Reports

House of Commons Library

A debate on the effect of post office closures on local communities was scheduled for Tuesday 19 October 2021 in Westminster Hall. You can read the report here.

IPSOS MORI Report for the National Audit Office

Full report here


More profoundly impacted by the closures have been the shops that formally hosted the Post Offices and the local businesses that have remained. All have suffered from a reduction in customer numbers, as those that had been previously drawn to the area by the Post Offices, no longer come to use their businesses. Despite wider economic circumstances, such as the looming recession, these businesses identify the Post Office closure as the major factor in their current financial difficulties. Looking to the future, there is a real fear amongst rural communities that the Post Office closure programme could result in areas being left with no local facilities at all.

There is some concern in these communities that Outreach Services are simply part of a staggered closure programme that will at some point lead to a full removal of postal services. More widely, across both rural and urban areas, Post Office closures are seen as a contributing factor to a wider spiral of decline in which, as facilities disappear, less and less potential customers are drawn to an area, which in turn results in further closures for local businesses. There are of course wider contributory factors, such as increased shopping at supermarkets and out of town shopping and leisure facilities, which only add to small communities’ fears for the future survival of their local areas.

We’ve reached £50k in donations!

Very exciting news! Thanks to all of you who have donated – its a massive boost to have achieved this… Well done to everybody.

Total – £50,436.45
GoFundMe – £23,358 (127 donations)
Banked Cheques – £13,996 (49)
Cash – £330.00
Pledge/Promissory note – £10,000 (1)
Gifts in Kind – £2,852.45